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    Update: 2021-09-10

    SPS held a meeting on the layout and planning of the “14th Five-year Plan”

    To fully prepare for the science and technology plan layout and the current stage of the key R & D program project organization in the 14th Five-year Plan, the school of Pharmaceutical Sciences held the online video conference on August 10, 2021. All the 28 scientific researchers including professors and associate professors attended the meeting, which was chaired by Vice Dean Yizhou Li.

    During the meeting, Yizhou Li conveyed the spirit of Chongqing University Science and Technology Work Conference in July 2021: the university paid great attention to applying for the major scientific research projects during the 14th Five-Year Plan period and emphasized all the faculties must comprehend the national policies of science and technology. In response to the "four questions" issued by the university, eleven key research and development programs related to the college's disciplines, such as synthetic biology and modernization of Chinese medicine, were selected and introduced one-by-one during the meeting. Finally, he sorted out the layout and planning of Chongqing Science and Technology Innovation Program in five aspects, including basic research, industrial technology, scientific and technological talents, and the transformation of results, and pointed out the need to participate in the advantageous research directions supported by Chongqing Municipality.

       Dean Hailong Yan re-emphasized the importance of carrying out organized scientific research. The university had great hopes for SPS, and we should pay great importance to the declaration of major science and technology projects that would influence all aspects of the college. Faculties and staff must get prepared for the long term.

        Party secretary Ming Ling held the discussion. During the discussion, Prof. Zhining Xia made detailed suggestions on the organization form. Prof. Weiwei Xue, Xiaoyong Tong and other professors also participated in the discussion.