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    Update: 2021-10-19

    【2021-10-19】Associate professor Tao Sun from School of Pharmacy, Fudan University was invited to give a lecture on "Pre-regulated drug delivery system for tumor microenvironment" on October 19, 2021. The format of this lecture is an online meeting. The presentation was hosted by Professor Yizhou Li. Over 100 students from the School of Pharmaceutical Science attended the lecture.

        Associate Professor Tao Sun's main research areas are targeted delivery of therapeutic drugs and new development of formulation. Since 2010, Associate Professor Sun Tao has published a number of high-quality SCI papers in major international journals, including Chem. Comm., Langmuir, J. Phys. Chem. B.

        Firstly, associate Professor Sun Tao pointed out that tumour treatment requires active intervention in the microenvironment, which is the basis of the work. He introduced the physical, chemical, and immune modulation approaches: (1) modulation of neovascular targeting and synergistic therapy (2) local warming of  tumor to increase drug accumulation (3) microenvironmental re-education to break redox homeostasis (4) immunosuppressive microenvironment modulation, hot and cold tumour transformation.

        We are deeply appreciated for the lecture given by Associate Professor Sun Tao!