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    Update: 2021-10-30

    【2021-10-30】In order to promote junior teachers to practice basic teaching skills, grasp the pattern of education and teaching, and improve the quality and level of teaching, the first teaching competition of School of Pharmaceutical Science of Chongqing University was held October 30, 2021.

    Total 10 teachers participated in this competition. Each teacher has his/her own unique teaching styles, some serious, lively, humorous, some explaining profound theories in simple language or analyzing the problem deeply, and all have flexible teaching skills and solid professional background. Their well-made multimedia courseware, flexible and vivid teaching methods, rigorous research attitude and innovative and effective information-based teaching methods in the competition fully demonstrated the high comprehensive quality and innovative spirit of junior teachers in the college, and reflected the excellent achievements of the college's teaching and education reform in recent years. Their great performances won unanimous praise from the judges. The lecture competition not only fully arouse the enthusiasm and initiative of the young teachers, enhance the education and teaching ability of young teachers, but also triggered all teachers to think about education and exploration. The teachers expressed that they would pay more attention to the application of students' independent learning, cooperative learning, inquiry-based learning, and the combination of online and offline learning in the later teaching, and laid emphasis on the innovation and practicality of classroom teaching mode.

    The lecture competition picked out each prize.