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Yizhou Li

Title:Ph.D., Professor, PI



Individual/Group Introduction

Group website:

Education and Position

2019/03-Present,   Professor, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chongqing University

2017/09-2019/02,  Investigator, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chongqing University

2014/09-2017/08,  Postdoctoral Fellow, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, Advisor: Prof. Dario Neri

2009/09-2014/07,  Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry (2014) Peking University, Supervisor: Prof. Xiaoyu Li

2005/09-2009/07,  B.S. in Chemistry (2009) Peking University, Supervisor: Prof. Zhangjie Shi

Research Interest

Our group has been dedicated to the Chemistry-Biology Interface. Current efforts are focused on the development of new methods and enabling tools for both basic biological problems and drug discovery, which include:

1. DNA-encoded Chemical Library (DEL) in drug discovery;

2. Chemical biology study of nucleic acids;

3. Chemo-selective modification of biomacromolecules;

4. Design, synthesis of bioactive small molecules and target identification.

Awards and Grants

Chongqing Youth May Fourth Medal, 2021

Chongqing Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars (cstc2020jcyj-jqX0009)

National Natural Science Foundation of China (Youth Program, 21907011)

The Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (2019CDQYYX018)

Chongqing Basic Research and Frontier Exploration Program (cstc2018jcyjAX0517)

Chongqing University “Hundred Talent Program”

Representative articles

1.  Yiran Huang, Ling Meng, Qigui Nie, Yu Zhou, Langdong Chen, Shilian Yang, Yi Man Eva Fung, Xiaomeng Li, Cen Huang, Yan Cao*, Yizhou Li* and Xiaoyu Li*, “Selection of DNA-encoded chemical libraries against endogenous membrane proteins on live cells” Nat. Chem. 202113, 77-88.

2.  Min Xi, Yizhou Li*, and Jiang Zhou*, Exploration of the formation and structure characteristics of a miR-92a promoter G-quadruplex by ESI-MS and CD. Talanta 2020, 211: 120708.

3.  Guixian Zhao, Yiran Huang, Yu Zhou, Yizhou Li*, and Xiaoyu Li*, Future challenges with DNA-encoded chemical libraries in the drug discovery domain, Expert Opin. Drug Discov2019, 14, 735-753.

4.  Yizhou Li*, Roberto De Luca, Samuele Cazzamalli, Francesca Pretto, Davor Bajic, Jörg Scheuemann*, and Dario Neri*, “Versatile protein recognition by the encoded display of multiple chemical elements on a constant macrocyclic scaffold” Nat. Chem. 201810, 441-448.

5.  Yizhou Li, Gunther Zimmermann, Jörg Scheuemann, and Dario Neri*, “Quantitative PCR is a Valuable Tool to Monitor the Performance of DNA-Encoded Chemical Library Selections” ChemBioChem 201718, 848-852.

6.  Yizhou Li, Elena Gabriele, Florent Samain, Nicholas Favalli, Filippo Sladojevich, Jörg Scheuemann, and Dario Neri*, “Optimized Reaction Conditions for Amide Bond Formation in DNA-Encoded Combinatorial Libraries” ACS Comb. Sci. 201618, 438-443. 

7.  Yizhou Li, Peng Zhao,Mingda Zhang, Xianyuan Zhao, and Xiaoyu Li*, “Multistep DNA-templated synthesis using a universal template” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013135, 17727−17730. (Highlighted by “JACS Spotlights”)

8.  Yizhou Li, Mingda Zhang, Chi Zhang, and Xiaoyu Li*, “Detection of bond formations by DNA-programmed chemical reactions and PCR amplification” Chem. Commun. 201248, 9513-9515.

9.  Yizhou Li, Bijie Li, XingYu Lu, Song Lin, and Zhangjie Shi* “Cross Dehydrogenative Arylation (CDA) of a Benzylic CH Bond with Arenes by Iron Catalysis”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 200948, 3817-3820. (Selected as “hot paper”)

10.  Guixing Cai, Ye Fu, Yizhou Li, Xiaobing Wan, and Zhangjie Shi*, “Indirect ortho Functionalization of Substituted Toluenes through ortho Olefination of NN-Dimethylbenzylamines Tuned by the Acidity of Reaction Conditions” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2007129, 7666-7673