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秦文灵 讲师




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2016.7-至今, 重庆大学, 药学院, 讲师

2014.10-2016.5, Allecra Therapeutics, 研发部, 研发顾问(中国)

2014.5-2014.9, 意大利国家科学研究院有机合成与光化学研究中心(CNR-ISOF), 研究助理

2010.11–2014.4, 博士, 意大利博洛尼亚大学化学学院, 导师: Panunzio Mauro

2007.9 –2010.6, 硕士, 重庆大学化学化工学院, 导师: 夏之宁,肖尚友

2003.9 –2007.7, 学士, 兰州大学药学院, 导师: 赵全义





1.  "Antibacterial Agents Targeting the Bacterial Cell Wall" Shan Li, Wenling Qin *, Mauro Panunzio, Stefano Biondi * Curr. Med. Chem. 2020, 27, 1-24.

2. "Organocatalytic Enantioselective γ-Elimination: Applications in the Preparation of Chiral Peroxides and Epoxides" Fangli Hu, Zhili Chen, Yu Tan, Da Xu, Shengli Huang, Shiqi Jia, Xiangnan Gong, Wenling Qin* Hailong Yan* Org. Lett. 2020, 22, 5, 1934-1940.

3. "Organocatalytic Enantioselective Selenosulfonylation of a C-C Double Bond to Form Two Stereogenic Centers in an Aqueou Medium" Zhili. Chen, Fangli. Hu, Shengli. Huang, Zhengxing. Zhao, Hui. Mao* and Wenling. Qin* J. Org. Chem. 2019, 84, 8100−8111.

4. "Metal-free difunctionalization of alkynes to access tetrasubstituted olefins through spontaneous selenosulfonylation of vinylidene ortho-quinone methide (VQM)" Shengli. Huang, Zhili. Chen, Hui. Mao, Fangli. Hu, Dongmei. Li, Yu Tan, Fengqing. Yang, Wenling. Qin* Org. Biomol. Chem. 2019, 17, 1121–1129.

5. "Direct Preparation of Indole Hemiaminals through Organocatalytic Nucleophilic Addition of Indole to Aldehydes" Nan. Zhang, Yige. Li, Zhili. Chen, Wenling. Qin* Synthesis 2018, 50, 4063-4070.

6. "K2S2O8 Activated Friedel-Crafts Type Alkylation of Indoles with α-Amido Sulfones" Xiaoyan. Wu, Lu. Xue, Shilong. Luo, Shiqi. Jia, Jun. Ao, Wenling. Qin* Synthesis, 2017, 49, 5017-5024.

7. "α-Alkyl-α-aryl (Trimethyltin) Nitriles: Versatile Nucleophilic Intermediates in Aldol-Like Reactions" Wenling Qin, Sha Long, Alessandro Bongini, and Mauro Panunzio Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2015, 3495-3505.

8. "β-Lactam Antibiotics Renaissance" Wenling Qin; Sha Long, Mauro Panunzio, Stefano Biondi  Antibiotics, 2014, 3 (2):193-215.