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Gong Zhang

Title:Ph.D., Associate Professor



Individual/Group Introduction

Group website of Yizhou Li Group:

Education and Position

2020-now,  Chongqing University, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Assistant Professor

2017-2020, Peking University, College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Postdoctoral research associate, Supervisor: Prof. Peng R. Chen

2012-2017, Peking University, Academy for Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies, Ph.D., Supervisor: Prof. Peng R. Chen

2008-2012, Peking University, College of Life Sciences, B.S.

Research Interest

Medicinal Chemical Biology and Protein Chemical Biology

Including: 1) Novel selection strategies for DNA-encoded libraries (DELs); 2) Protein ligand discovery with pocket selectivity; 3) Selective modification on proteins and covalent inhibitor study.

Awards and Grants

Grants and Fundings

1.  National Natural Science Foundation of China, Youth Program (22107016), Host, 2022.01-2024.12.

2.  Chongqing Natural Science Foundation, General Program, Host, 2022.01-2024.12.

3.  China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, General Program (2020M683251), Host, 2020.11-2022.10.

Representative articles

1.  Zhang Gong, Zhang Juan, Gao Yuting, Li Yangfeng*, Li Yizhou*, Strategies for targeting undruggable targets, Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery, 2022, 17, 55-69.

2.  Zhang Juan, Li Xianfeng, Wei Haimei, Li Yangfeng, Zhang Gong*, Li Yizhou*, Sequential DNA-encoded building block fusion for the construction of polysubstituted pyrazoline core libraries, Organic Letters, 2021, 23, 8429-8433

3.  Zhu Rongfeng#, Zhang Gong#, Jing Miao, Han Yu, Li Jiaofeng, Li Yulong, Chen Peng R.*, Genetically encoded formaldehyde sensors inspired by a protein intra-helical crosslinking reaction, Nature Communications, 2021, 12, 581.

4.  Zhang Gong#, Li Jie#, Xie Ran, Fan Xinyuan, Liu Yanjun, Zheng Siqi, Ge Yun, Chen Peng R.*, Bioorthogonal chemical activation of kinases in living systems, ACS Central Science, 2016, 2, 325-331. (Highlighted by Chemical & Engineering News, 2016, 94(19), 5)

5.  Zhang Gong#, Zheng Siqi#, Liu Haiping, Chen Peng R.*, Illuminating biological processes through site-specific protein labeling, Chemical Society Reviews, 2015, 44, 3405-3417.

6.  Zheng Siqi#, Zhang Gong#, Li Jie, Chen Peng R.*, Monitoring endocytic trafficking of anthrax lethal factor by precise and quantitative protein labeling. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2014, 53, 6449-6453.